
Porn is Gold

This week, intrepid reporter Tracy Moore took it upon herself to answer the age-old question How can I still afford to drink, smoke and screw to my heart's delight when I'm broke? What came of that query was Cheap Thrills: Your Recession-Friendly Guide to Vice in Nashville. In it you'll find a handy sinnin'-on-the-cheap how-to. You'll also find a perhaps unsurprising conclusion: even as paychecks suffer, the demand for vice does not.

Billed as "the world's first and only investment community designed specifically for the adult entertainment industry" (i.e. a porn hedge fund), AdultVest has pumped money into operations like iPorn, a start-up looking to, you guessed it, deliver porn directly to Apple's iPhone. As AdultVest CEO Francis Koenig put it to the Atlantic Monthly: "You've got six billion people on the planet and they're all horny."


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